Sunday, October 24, 2010

Yesterday was fun. Although today....not so much! First...the Bears lost. Lame. Second....I haven't been nearly as productive as I would have liked to be.

I think Payton is hiccuping in her sleep.

I can smell my lasagna cooking and I cant wait to eat it. No, I didn't make it - it's store-bought. Likely better than anything I could make.

So I also decided today needs to start the diet and exercising more. I need to be in tip-top shape for when the hubby gets home. Which speaking of....we are almost 75% done! I cant believe it!

I'm sure you can notice that my mind is skipping around like crazy....that's how I've been feeling all day. I should get some work done, but I really dont feel like doing much of anything.

Crap, I just realized that I'm missing the Sunday Night Football game - it's a good one, between the Packers and Vikings. I hate both of them, but hate the Vikings slightly more. Go Fudge-Packers.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First Post....

So I saw a friend with a "bucket list" that was a blog. I thought it was kinda a cool idea and decided it could be fun. I guess we'll see how long it keeps up - I'm giving it maybe a month....tops! Hopefully I far exceed my expectations, but I'm a realist. Here goes nothing!!!!